We are an inclusive community created by social dancers, for social dancers.

Learning to dance doesn't happen overnight, and we fully understand that.

About Us

JST Salsa class

Why dance with JST?

We prioritise the social aspects of Latin dance, teaching fundamental moves that you can confidently bring to any setting — and dance with anyone at any level.

Learning to dance doesn't happen overnight, and we fully understand that at JST. You're not alone in this journey — we, along with our extended community, are committed to supporting and assisting you every step of the way.

Why Latin dance?

Fundamentally, Latin dancing is a form of social dance that anyone can join - regardless of their background or dance experience.

It fosters connections within your community, sharing your passion with fellow dancers, and expressing your individuality through dance, both with and without a partner.

Globally, including here in Canberra, Latin dancing can be found at various venues such as bars and community spaces, allowing you to meet new people, immerse yourself in a vibrant community, and dance the night away.

This is the unique charm that Latin dance holds above other dance forms — the opportunity to connect and dance with anyone, anywhere.

Who can dance?


Individuals who join our classes with zero dance experience might require more time to master some steps, but often develop into skilled social dancers. Starting with no experience at JST can surprisingly be an advantage - just ask our directors!

You might wonder if you need to bring a partner and the answer is no. The majority of our students attend classes and social alone, and since we regularly rotate partners in class, you can enjoy the classes even if you come by yourself.